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Yam Prasad Shrestha


Progressive Placement Services Nepal (P.) Ltd. is for supply of Nepalese human resource abroad.
It manages human resources of all categories: skilled, semi-skilled, technical and professional
manpower based on the demand of our clients, it functions as a bridge between Nepal and manpower importing nations around the globe. The company aims to facilitate competent manpower that our clients around the world demand. The concept has its root in employing maximum number of qualified Nepalese youth.
The company operates from heart of the capital city Kathmandu at Buddhanagar, fully equipped with complete facilities that an international standard company needs. Progressive Placement Services Nepal (P.) Ltd. explorers employment opportunities to hundreds of Nepalese youth every year. It has a reservoir of complete solutions to the need of human resource.
We source our manpower through advertisement and through our official channels for semi-skilled and unskilled manpower. We headhunt to meet the demand of highly technical and professional manpower. Today, a huge number of such manpower throng to our company for quality and prompt service. Progressive Placement Services Nepal (P.) Ltd. has a well experienced management with the swift service aimed at our consumers across the globe. For preliminary information of Human Resource, the company has a very fast mechanism to respond to all enquiries relating to manpower supply.
The Progressive Placement Services Nepal (P.) Ltd. believes in competency blended with quality. The company can provide a complete solution of the requirement of Nepalese Manpower abroad.

Yam Prasad Shrestha
Managing Director